Olivia Blassingame, LPC

Olivia Blassingame, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Olivia Blassingame, LPC

Olivia Blassingame is a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing within our Amory office, bringing a new dimension towards full body healthcare by including mental health practices. She is delighted and honored to be serving the Amory community, where she grew up, and the surrounding areas. With practicing in mental health since 2019 in our area coupled with growing up here, she is devoted and determined to provide excellent mental health care to each individual and family she comes in contact with daily.

Olivia has always had a passion for serving children and their families and advocating for the under-served. She has always known she wanted to help people and found herself “falling in love” with all that being a counselor offers to others. “It is not a job I grew up knowing I wanted to do or even would do; it sort of just found me at the most opportune, divine moment. Since stepping into this role, it never fails to amaze me how incredible people are with all they are able to carry and endure, that they show up for themselves in the most vulnerable way, and I am honored and humbled daily, hourly, by each story another chooses to share with and entrust to me.” She decided to follow this path presented to her after experiencing the death of her father in 2016. “The grief that overtook me sent me searching for not only how to manage for myself, but how are others managing and how can I play a part in being there for them?”

Olivia graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2019 with a masters in Clinical Mental Health and immediately went to work in community mental health practices. She discovered from there the joys of working in this field and learning how to best support others. She aims to establish meaningful, trusting relationships with others while providing resources, empathy, and an active, listening ear to best guide, support, and encourage the individual and/or family. No two people or experiences are alike, and she makes it her mission to tailor each session and resource to be what that individual needs every time they walk into the therapy space. Olivia works with those experiencing grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, and general hopelessness or feeling stuck/lost through a client-centered, emotion-focused approach and EMDR practices.

In the counseling relationship, she believes that clients are the experts of their own experiences. Her expectations for each client are that they come with an open mind and a commitment to the therapeutic process, which is collaborative between both client and counselor. She believes that by creating a safe and open environment in which people can be themselves, they will discover the strengths and abilities within themselves to elicit change and move forward with confidence. She allows space for every client to practice autonomy and will follow their direction in achieving goals that are determined together.

When not working with others, Olivia devotes her time to her husband and two kids. They are all full-steam ahead in activities and enjoying life together be it at home, their church, on a soccer field, or on the stage dancing. If not found in one of those places, the Blassingames enjoy traveling and visiting with their friends and family. She is also fond of art, listening to music, and reading a good book; suggestions and discussions in these areas are always welcome!

