Vaccine / Immunization Schedule

Quick Facts

  • Proven to help prevent certain diseases.

  • Several vaccines are combinations – which means fewer shots.

  • Recommendations follow CDC guidelines.

Child Vaccine / Immunization Doctors

When does my child gets shots/vaccines?

This may seem like an overwhelming topic with frequent visits to the pediatrician. The vaccine schedule we use comes directly from the CDC. This is very well researched plan to cover for a many vaccine preventable disease. The schedule is to get the most effect with the least risk.

We strongly recommend the yearly flu shot everyone starting at 6 months of life and continuing throughout life. It is especially helpful if you have other medical problems including lung problems.

A Certificate of Immunization Compliance (Form 121) will be processed within 24 hours.

Please make requests for Form 121 at least 24 hours in advance.

The First Year of Life (Birth to 11 Months)

Vaccine Birth 2 Months 4 Months 6 Months
Hepatitis B* X X X
Polio* X X X
Pneumococcus X X X
H. influenza X X X
Rotavirus (oral) X X X
Influenza (Flu) X

*These are given as a combined vaccine to reduce the number of needle sticks (1 stick = 3 vaccines)

Read More: Vaccine Information Statements from the CDC.

The Second Year of Life (12 to 24 Months)

Vaccine 12 months 15 months 18 months
Measles Mumps Rubella X
Chicken Pox X
Hep A X X
Pneumococcus X
H. influenza X

Read More: Vaccine Information Statements from the CDC.

School-age Vaccines (4 years until 18 years)

Vaccine Starting school (4-6yo) Early adolescence (10-12yo) Late Adolescent (16-18yo)
Polio* X
Chicken pox^ X
Meningitis X X

*,^ these are given as combined vaccines for less needle sticks (2 sticks = 4 vaccines)

Read More: Vaccine Information Statements from the CDC.