Urinary Incontinence

Quick Facts

  • Involuntary loss of urine.

  • Two main types: Stress & Urge.

  • Mixed incontinence is when you experience both types.

Urinary Incontinence Doctors

Kam Otey, MD

Kam Otey, MD


Incontinence is the spontaneous loss of urine or leaking of urine from the bladder. This is more common in women. It is more frequent with multiple pregnancies.

Types of incontinence

There are a few types of incontinence and type helps to determine the treatment.

The types include:

  • Stress incontinence – this is leaking urine with coughing, sneezing, or laughing
  • Urge incontinence – this is the feeling of needing to constantly urinate. This can include loss of urine if not getting to the toilet fast enough.
  • Mixed incontinence – this has features of both stress and urge incontinence


Specific bladder testing can be done to determine the cause of incontinence. This can help tailor the therapy to the individual.

Urinary Incontinence Treatment

  • The first treatments include supportive measures. These include maintaining a healthy weight, less fluid intake, and bladder muscle exercises.
  • Sometimes medicines are used if these methods do not help.
  • If medicines do not help, surgery can be performed to alleviate symptoms.

Incontinence FAQs

Is incontinence normal?

It is very common but it is not part of normal aging. Leakage of urine is not something that you have to learn to live with. There are treatment options available.

Will incontinence go away?

There are many treatment options that can relieve symptoms. Tailoring these to the specific type of incontinence can increase effectiveness.

Does incontinence affect men?

Men can have loss of urine especially if there are prostate problems, including after a prostatectomy.

How many times a day is normal to urinate?

People usually urinate between 6-8 times per day but it can differ with fluid and caffeine intake.

Can medications affect urination?

Blood pressure medications including diuretics can increase the amount of urine. Some diabetes medications can increase the amount of urine produced.

Can Diabetes increase the amount of urine?

The sugar in the urine from poorly controlled diabetes can cause excessive urination. This can sometimes lead to incontinence.